Round Rock, Texas 78681-4520 ΓÇó 24-Hr. Fax:512-310-9855 ΓÇó e-mail:
____ e-CATALOGΓäó for Macintosh (Electronic Catalog).............................$49.00 each: _______
____ QuickLOOKupsΓäó for Macintosh (UPS Calculator).............................$49.00 each: _______
____ QuickSHIPΓäó for Macintosh (UPS Manifest).......................................$99.00 each: _______
____ Checks&LedgerΓäó for Macintosh..................................................... $39.00 each: _______
____ Bill-ITΓäó for Macintosh..................................................................... $79.00 each: _______
____ QwikCONGRESSΓäó (104th US Congress) for Macintosh.................. $19.00 each: _______
____ QwikRAFFLEΓäó (raffle and seating tickets) for Macintosh.................. $19.00 each: _______
____ QwikBILLΓäó (for small service companies) for Macintosh................... $49.00 each: _______
____ QwikBILLTIMEΓäó (time billing) for Macintosh.................................... $39.00 each: _______
____ QwikBILLΓäó(UK) for Macintosh....................................................... $49.00 each: _______
____ QwikAUTOBILLΓäó (rents/dues type billings) for Macintosh................ $49.00 each: _______
____ Pro Card TraderΓäó for Macintosh..................................................... $29.00 each: _______
____ CS LibraryΓäó for Macintosh............................................................. $49.00 each: _______
____ SK Time ClockΓäó or SK SignOutΓäó (Single User) for Macintosh.$19.00 per computer: ______
____ SK Time ClockΓäó or SK SignOutΓäó w Network File Server for Macintosh.@$395.00 each: ____
@ Includes site license for unlimited copies on a single Macintosh network and in-house e-mail.
____ SK ModulesΓäó Single User Basic Set for Macintosh.......................@*$520.00 set: _______
@* Technical support and annual updates ........................................................$99 annual : _______
____ SK ModulesΓäó Multi-User Set for Macintosh................................*$600.00 annual: _______
____ SK ModulesΓäó Network Server Set for Macintosh........................*$700.00 annual: _______
* Multi-user and Network Files Server versions of SK Module Sets can be leased. The amounts listed above are annual lease payments for a site license for a single Macintosh network which includes technical support and annual updates. Minimum lease two years.
____ ShopKeeper PlusΓäó for Macintosh..............................................**$595.00 each: _______
** Technical support and annual updates ..........................................................$99 annual : _______
____ ShopKeeper Multi-UserΓäó for Macintosh..................................***$1,195.00 each: _______
*** Includes 3 cash register programs. Technical support and annual updates.......$179 annual : _______
____ SK ModulesΓäó Demo Single User Basic Set for Macintosh....................$15.00 set: _______
____ Complete Demo/Shareware Set for Macintosh....................................$20.00 set: _______
Includes shareware SK Module Set and most of the other single user programs listed above.
(8 or 9- 1.4 meg disks - not available on 800K disks). Most require a PowerBook screen or larger.